Unlimited Washes.

One Flat Rate.

Wash, Rinse, Smile, Repeat…

Have a hot date, an important job interview or a fun family gathering? Don’t let your dirty car stop you from looking your best. With an affordable RABBITPASS monthly membership, you get unlimited washes at any of our Wet Rabbit Express locations. Simply roll on up and our system recognizes you and your preferred type of car wash.

Come back as often as you like. When we say unlimited, we mean it!

How it works.

  • Sign Up.

    At our facility or right here, online.

    Our video display boards and on-site staff will help you decide the wash that suits you.

  • Roll up.

    No PINs, cards, or passwords.

    With RabbitPass, we recognize your vehicle and your preferred wash, right as you roll in.

  • Re-up.

    Come back as often as needed.

    When we say unlimited, we mean it. Wash your car every day. We’d love to see you.